Korg MA-30 Review Published January 15, 2010
A Beginner-Friendly Metronome: The Korg MA-30
Overall Rating: 8.25 out of 10
It’s a metronome. Plain and simple. The Korg MA-30 is one of the better metronomes I have encountered. It is loaded with all the features of a metronome, but is a slender 4 x 2.5 x .5 inch package. The screen is really easy to read, and the buttons are really easy to press, which makes it really easy to say that it’s easy to use.
Subdivide in Style
Another great feature of this metronome is the inclusion of subdivisions: the metronome creates rhythms including duplets, triplets, triplets with the inner beat left out, quadruplets, and quadruplets with the inner beat left out. Unlike most metronomes that have this feature, the MA-30 makes it loud enough to be useful. Which brings me to my favorite feature of this metronome. If you are using a metronome, you want it to be loud. This metronome cuts through my loudest guitar playing, but also has an easy to use volume control on the side, which means that you can turn it down when you don’t want that annoying click in your ear.
The average price for the Korg MA-30 is around $30.00, which is decent for the metronomes worth. I would recommend this metronome for beginners & advanced players alike who prefer to keep a physical metronome on them as opposed to using a website or phone app metronome.
Loudness: 9 out of 10
Portability: 8.5 out of 10
Worth (Monetary): 7 out of 10
Cool Factor: 8.5 out of 10
Overall Average: 8.25 out of 10